Hi, I’m Leigh Ann Dutton! For as long as I can remember, I have loved scribbling down words on pages and documenting my everyday life as it happens. Writing is how I create and give back to the world, so this place is where I play with words and share my ponderings.
Right now, most of my daytime hours are spent home-educating my four children, ages 3 to 13. When we aren’t around the table learning, we are traveling for 40 days at a time in our family travel trailer (you can follow our 40-day adventures here). Currently, we’re exploring the U.S., but hope to expand our travels outside the U.S. as our children get older. No matter where we are I enjoy music, good books, poetry, enjoying good food, and being in nature, usually on a bike.
If you’d like to get notified when a new post goes live here, you can pop your name and email address into the box below, or follow along on Instagram. I’m toying with the idea of starting a newsletter of sorts, but for now, this is my playground for finding my public writing voice again. After more than a decade of running IntentionalByGrace.com (no longer available), I’m eager to see what new ways of creating emerge here. Join me if you like. 🙂